In the first skit featuring Homey D. Clown, we meet Herman Simpson, a man with a colorful past and a unique perspective on life. Known to the world as Homey D. Clown, he finds himself reluctantly performing community service by entertaining children. Despite his disdain for authority and his constant rebellion against “The Man,” Homey’s rough exterior hides a surprisingly loyal following of young fans.
As the skit opens, Homey begrudgingly enters a room filled with excited children, each eager for his unconventional brand of humor. With his trademark sock in hand, he navigates the chaos of the children’s enthusiasm while maintaining his anti-establishment attitude. The children love him for his honest, no-nonsense approach, even if it means a playful bop on the head. Inspired by In Living Color writer Paul Mooney’s sharp wit and unfiltered reactions, Homey D. Clown is best known for his catch phrase: “Homey don’t play that.”